Good-Natured Life is expanding!
Good-Natured Life has 2 extraordinary announcements! 1) Good-Natured Life is expanding! Deidra O. Franklin(CEO's mother) has been...

Austin Franklin, CEO of Good-Natured Life, speaks at Oakleaf High School
CEO Austin Franklin spoke to some of the senior class at Oakleaf High School. Mr. Franklin shared powerful words leaving the students...

Austin J. Franklin was the keynote speaker at St. Paul Lutheran Church
CEO Austin Franklin was the keynote speaker at St. Paul Lutheran Church for their Paul Lutheran Back to School Service. Mr. Franklin left...

Austin J. Franklin, CEO of Good-Natured Life, speaks at FSCJ
CEO Austin Franklin spoke to the students of FSCJ's Pathway to Work initiative at their concluding session for the summer. The students...

Austin Franklin's book- Wake, Rise, and Smile is now sold through Walmart.com!
Wake, Rise, and Smile is now also being sold through Walmart.com! Order your copy today and get ready to RISE!

Austin Franklin, CEO of Good-Natured Life, speaks at New Life Power Ministries
CEO Austin Franklin served as the keynote speaker for Family & Friends Day at New Life Power Ministries!

Video Snippet of Austin Franklin's Commencement Address at Bradford High School
CEO and Motivational Speaker, Austin Franklin, delivers a powerful Commencement Address to the 2018 graduating class at Bradford High...

Austin Franklin, CEO of Good-Natured Life, serves as the 2018 Commencement Speaker for Bradford High
CEO Austin Franklin recently served as the 2018 Commencement Speaker for Bradford High School. He delivered a powerful message....

Austin Franklin was the keynote speaker for the 22nd annual J.P. Hall Charities Scholarship Dinner
CEO Austin Franklin served as the keynote speaker for the twenty-second annual J.P. Hall Charities Scholarship Awards Dinner....

Austin Franklin, CEO of Good-Natured Life, selected for the Community Pearls Award
CEO Austin Franklin was recently selected for the Community Pearls Award- "Leaders Under 40 Changing Lives." This honor was given by the...